You pay $10 a month for Netflix. Now Taco Bell wants you to pay $10 a month for nacho fries. It’s called the Nacho Fries Lover’s Pass — here’s how it works.
Taco Bell rewards members can purchase the pass for $10 in the Taco Bell app. That gets them one order of nacho fries per day for the next 30 days. That’s nacho fries, not grilled cheese nacho fries (alas).
An order of nacho fries is $2.19. If you got one every day for a month, it would cost you $65.70. Buying the pass would save you more than 50 bucks. Then again, if you’re purchasing an order of Taco Bell nacho fries every single day for a month straight, you are an agent of chaos and may not care about saving money. Shine on you crazy diamond. The Nacho Fries Lover’s pass is available now until December 4.