World Kindness Day has been acknowledged annually since 1998. The goal is to get people thinking about others and practicing empathy through small acts of kindness — like giving out freshly fried, perfectly warm Krispy Kreme donuts. “World Kindness Day is an opportunity to make a positive difference by being generous,” Skena said in the press release.
If you’re looking to celebrate World Kindness Day and spread some love, Krispy Kreme’s offering may just make that task a little easier. While sharing a free donut may seem like a small gesture, the sweet treat could well be a bright spot in someone’s day.
In addition to acknowledging World Kindness Day, the chain has previously given out free donuts in other acts of kindness. From March to May 2020, Krispy Kreme offered unlimited free glazed donuts to healthcare workers on Mondays. The chain has also helped sweeten the sting of buying a losing lottery ticket. Anyone with a losing lottery ticket could cash it in for a free glazed donut following the July 2023 Mega Millions lottery drawing.